The Kazz Family

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Hadley is quite the three year old!! The last week with going to bed has been better. 3 out of the last 4 nights she's gone to bed right away. I finally said enough is enough when it came to sitting upstairs in our room while we waited for her to scream it out. I was being held prisoner by a 3 year old for 2-4 hours a night!! I'd already taken almost everything out of her room anyhow since she kept breaking things. If she's upstairs screaming now we just check on her periodically, walk her back to bed, then come downstairs. Since doing that the longest screaming episode was two hours. She has this thing now with keeping her light on while she sleeps. Whatever it takes.....

We do a lot of what I call bribing, but what is really behavior modification. We use Harley and the Cinderall dress as things she loses or earns back. Harley the cat really seems to work best. She still bites off an on. It had been several weeks so I thought we were done with biting, and then she bit twice this week at daycare. She lost Harley for a day, but earned him back last night. For going to sleep without screaming last night she got her fingernails painted. She thought that was the greatest thing. Tomorrow she gets her toes painted if she goes right to bed. After that we'll have to come up with something else!!

Hadley still says I have a baby brother in my tummy. She also said baby brother is going to sit in her booster chair. We'll find out 4 weeks from today!!

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Taking a break
Mom's got Hadley bundled

Hadley loves making snow

Visiting Santa

Feeding Ducks
Third Birthday Party
with family

Third Birthday Party with

Third Birthday party at Farm

Third Birthday Party

Big Red Barn
Laura and Travis' wedding
had a clown for the kids

State Fair

State Fair

Feeding Ducks at Daycare picnic

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Well......we're doing it again! Hadley is going to be a big sister. We told our extended family over Christmas. I had a shirt made with Hadley's name on it. On the shoulder it says "Big Sister". Surprisingly it took everyone a while to figure it out. So far things have gone well.

My biggest fear is the MSPI. There is a 50% chance this baby will have it, and could have it worse. However, we were so mishandled in the beginning who knows what "worse" could mean. I could try nursing with the restricted diet (which I'm scared to do but would prefer) or go straight to Neocate and things will be fine. I'm trying to stay positive, but prepare ourselves for an NG tube at a minimum. Lenny has some younger cousins that we later found out were both on NG tubes-even the second one that they were prepared for MSPI with. OR we could get lucky and have a perfectly normal baby. If that happens I don't think we'll know what to do!

Hadley says she has a baby brother in her tummy. According to her so do I, Daddy, and the dogs. She doesn't quite get it yet, but she's in for a shocker!! I'm thinking she'll be a good big sister.

I need to get some Christmas pictures off my camera and posted. Hadley really liked seeing Santa this year. She saw him a total of 4 times. Every time she told him she wanted two toys....I'm sure that will change in a few years. :) Christmas morning Santa brought her a bouncy house that she really likes. She received tons of other great gifts that we've been playing with and opening slowly over the last few weeks.

Hadley was on a kick again where it took 2-2..5 hours to get her to bed after lots of screaming and crying. This also included her breaking two night lights and getting in to hand sanitizer. She is quite the determined little girl. I always thought after the MSPI things would just get so much easier, but there is always a new phase around the corner. Some are fun and some, like this week, aren't so fun. I think we finally figured out what was causing her not to go to bed.

One phase I am enjoying is her imaginite play. She has a way bigger imagination than I ever recall having. She plays with her dolls and talks to them. She plays with her cats and dogs like they are human friends. Its great! She loves her princess dress and Cinderella dress. She's such a girl!

Sunday, November 30, 2008


Wow! I can't believe its been a year since I last wrote. That is HORRIBLE. I really should stay up to date. 2008 has been a great year! Hadley has done really well and is growing and is now a little girl. She just turned 3.

We had problems with biting this year. I would venture to say this went on for about 8 months. She still tests periodically but the kicker was when she was restricted from Harley (the cat) for almost 3 days. Since then she's bitten twice and attempted once. All it took was taking the cat again for a day and she's done well the last few weeks.

Hadley has really improved with trying new foods. I'm happy to say right now she's more in line with a picky toddler. We've really been working on "no thank you" rather than tossing her plact accross the room if she doesn't want to try it. So far I'd say she says that more than the food tossing and screaming now. Makes for more pleasant meals. She is on a peanut butter and jelly sandwich kick right now. She'll eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Some days that is breakfast....

This Summer we went to Colorado Springs in June with my parents. On the way out there Hadley her first ice cream cone at a Runza. We had a great time, but naps were a challenge on vacation. You know how important those naps are. Hadley also spent a lot of time feeding ducks with her Grandpa Kaczmarek and her Daddy when I was at work on Saturdays. She is such an animal lover!

Hadley FINALLY went to her toddler bed this Spring. Bed time was challenging. I swear we were a family right off Super Nanny! One night she yelled for 4 hours. We called on some help and finally found that the Sleep Fairy works wonders. If she stays in bed the Sleep Fairy will bring her coins that she puts in her musical bank. We make a big deal and she thinks its great.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

November and December

Hadley's Party Cake

She had her very own 2nd Birthday cake since
she coudn't have one at her 1st birthday. Sadly
she just pointed at it and said "yucky". She did
not want anything to do with cake; and yes, she's
my child. :)

Daycare Christmas Party. Like all daycare
parties we had a great time; came home with
a van full or toys.

Hadley was a flower girl in Lenny's cousin's
wedding the Saturday before Christmas. Lenny
and I had to walk her down. As soon as she saw
Aunt Kim with her camera Hadley was all smiles

So.....she wouldn't eat cake at her birthday, but
she ate red velvet cake at the wedding. Don't let
the fork fool you. A short while later her hands
were covered in cake. I'm thinking now she
didn't know her Uniqua cake was cake. In her
mind cake comes in squares; I guess. Yes, she
still has some food issues.....haha

October, November, December.....

Trick or Treating at Grandma
and Grandpa Cox's

Halloween Party at Daycare

We took Hadley to Children's
Musuem on her 2nd Birthday

Her arms weren't long enough
to reach the wheel sitting down

Hadley's First haircut-on
her birthday. She was growing
an 80's tail back there.

Time just gets by my too quickly. Seems like it was just Halloween and Hadley's 2nd birthday!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Its been a while since I wrote. I can't believe its almost October. Hadley will be 2 years old before we know it!! How time flies! She is still a fairly picky eater, but we are FINALLY done with baby food. She loves hot dogs, mac n cheese, green beans, bananas and potato sticks.
Her vocabulary is really expanding. She knows and says her eyes, mouth, ear, teeth, nose. This past Saturday she said her first sentence to the check out girl!! The girl said to me "Hi, how are you?" Suddenly Hadley says "How are Youuuuu". So here we are going crazy about her first sentence at the front of Target. Okay, so I was freaking out, but Lenny was pretty excited too. Of course we call grandparents and she won't repeat. At the birthday party we went to she did greet a few guests with "Hi, how are you?" Should have had a video camera!!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Moving Forward

Hadley passed her milk challenge! So many exciting things have happened since my last post. She officially was on whole milk June 23rd. That was a busy weekend. Saturday afternoon we had Great grandpa Cox's 80th birthday party where she walked to us. That started a couple days before, but she was getting further and more confident in her steps. She still isn't walking full time, but is definately getting steadier. Good thing, she's gotta be a pro by December when she is a flower girl. We kept joking that she was going to be pulled down the aisle in a wagon.

That night we had her cousin Drew's first birthday party. Technically she was to be on all milk for a week before introducing foods, but Jayne gave me the go ahead. Either she didn't think Hadley would eat it at all with her table feeding history, or knew it wouldn't amount to much because of her table food history. haha. There she actually tried some cake. We've had an uphill battle with table food. Really all she prefers is crackers and graham crackers-foods with a "crunch". I was skeptical but hopeful when we put the cake in front of her. It had been a long day and she was getting cranky. I gave her a spoon and she dipped in the the frosting and..brought it to her mouth. She then said "mmhhh". I burst in to tears. She hadn't had cake for her birthday even though I made a special cake. Any time you tried to give her table foods she would have horrible tantrums or throw it to the floor. It was such a mixture of emotions when she brought that spoon to her mouth. The exhiliration was short lived....

Not much later we were on the floor (a concrete floor) and she got mad at the party hat when I tried to hand it back to her. By this time it was after 8pm, and bed time is normally 7:30pm. She flung her hand and proceeded to throw herself down in a fit. Then came the howling. I picked her up and then noticed she had a black and blue bump, or hematoba starting. We decided to take her to Bergan's Pediatric Express. There we found out her head was fine, but she had a DOUBLE ear infection! No wonder she was crabby. She'd had a cold for several days, but really no other signs. No fever, eating well, no pulling at the ears. Since then she's had a permanent bruise because whenever she has a tantrum she throws herself down the same side every time. Funny thing is, we were at the doctor's office last week and before she had a full blown toddler tantrum she "tested" the floor with her head a couple times before fully flailing herself about.

Hadley is very independent! She prefers to walk with assistance rather than being carried so I allot extra time in the morning for walking to the van, to the daycare door, etc. She always has to be "on the go". I swear the only time she sits is when she is eating or sleeping. I've discovered when giving her table food she likes to bite off things rather than have them diced or chopped. It seems like she skipped the mashed/diced stage. Once we figured that out things have gotten better. She really likes bananas, but doesn't like touching them so she eats off mine, we feed large slices to her, or funniest of all she tries to bite them while they are on her tray. Almost like bobbing for apples. Within the last couple of days she no longer wants to eat in her high chair, so its on to the booster. She was eating snacks and breakfast at the kids' table and lunch in her high chair, but now wants to be at the table full time. About the time we started the milk challenge she tried some shredded lettuce from out enchiladas and even ate a couple green beans. In the last week she has tried chicken (not a fan yet), rice, pretzels, vanilla wafers, macarroni and cheese, tator totts, french fries, cereals.

In keeping with her independence, she likes to swing. Only, it has to be the big kids swing! She wants nothing to with a baby swing or sitting on your lap while you swing. She has to be on there with us behind her holding our hands over hers. She doesn't even like my hands over hers, but we learned that lesson the hard way. I took my eyes away a second and off she flipped. After she cried she wanted right back on. No fear! Ms. Judy was saying she was going to go buy a baby swing because she didn't have one and Hadley wanted to swing today. I told her not to bother unless she'll use it on the littlier ones because Hadley won't go for it.

Her vocabulary contiues to increase. It just amazes me how much she understands. If you ask her a question she will say "yes" or shake her head no if appropriate. If you ask her something and she doesn't know or understand she puts her hands up like "I don't know". She is also a little stinker. She figured out that if she signs "eat" that means she gets to go in the kitchen, which then means she can see the dogs out the back door if they are outside. So, now she signs eat even when she isn't hungry!! She knows though because she still signs when she wants food or milk. She's too smart for her own good. She has started "meowing" at the cats which is funny. She "shushes" the dogs when they bark and meows at the cats.

This is such an amazing age. I can see the traits we noticed early on really developing. We knew when she was really sick that she loves people and attention, is a fighter, strong willed, curious, aware, sweet, affectionate, and independent. She's always done things on her schedule which I've had to accept (most of the time). She is such an amazing little person. Her quirky little ways definatley outweigh her early onset of the terrible twos. :) I can only look forward to her teenage years. haha Grandma will probably enjoy it most. hee hee